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Mitigation of methane production from dairy cattle farm by nutritive modulation of cow`s metabolism


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RTS Radio Belgrade 1: The research achieved a 46% reduction in methane emissions in dairy cows

Please see the entire article at the following link: https://rts.rs/radio/radio-beograd-1/5478844/kako-nastaju-gradonosne-oluje-i-zasto-je-grad-sve-krupniji-.html …
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FoNet: Garlic against methane emissions in dairy cows

Please see the entire article at the following link: https://fonet.rs/produkcija/vidokrug/36394553/belim-lukom-protiv-metana.html …
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Danas: Researchers from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Changing the diet of cows reduces methane emissions by 40%

Please see the entire article at the following link: https://www.danas.rs/vesti/klimatske-promene/istrazivaci-sa-fakulteta-veterinsrske-medicine-emisije-metana-smanjice-se-za-40-odsto-ukoliko-se-promeni-ishrana-krava/ …
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ENERGETSKI PORTAL: Prof. dr Danijela Kirovski about her research project: “We have reduced methane emissions in cows by 46%”

Please see the entire article at the following link: https://energetskiportal.rs/dr-danijela-kirovski-o-svom-istrazivackom-projektu-smanjili-smo-emisiju-metana-kod-krava-za-46-odsto/ …
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Facts of interest

One dairy cow produced an average of 309.2 g of methane on a daily basis.

Annually, one dairy cow could produce approximately 135 kg of methane.

New Zealand will soon tax methane emissions from sheep and goat farms. Farmers whose farms produce gas excessively will be taxed from 2025. But those farmers who reduce emissions through feed additives will get incentives. 

Upcoming Events

Presentation of the MitiMetCattle project on the public service (RTS Science)

The presentation of the MitiMetCattle project on RTS Science will be broadcast on Thursday at 11.00 am (news from the …
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