The 27th Annual Counselling of Doctors of Veterinary Medicine of Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) was organized in Trebinje (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina) jointly by the Veterinary Chamber of Republic of Srpska and Veterinary Association of Republic of Srpska which lasted from Jun 15th to 18th 2022. At this international scientific meeting, members of the project team, including the principal investigator, Danijela Kirovski, PhD, DVM, Full Professor, Ljubomir Jovanović, PhD, DVM, Assistant Professor and Sreten Nedić, PhD, DVM, Teaching Assistant, presented their works in veterinary science (Book of proceedings is available here), while Ljubomir Jovanović, PhD, DVM, Assistant Professor, promote the project entitled: “Mitigation of methane production from dairy cattle farm by nutritive modulation of cow`s metabolism – MitiMetCattle”.
More pictures are available in the Activities tab (here)